
Hasan Sajedi
1 min readSep 11, 2018

First version of password generator for python projects

Easy to install and easier to use

Use python version bigger than 2.7

from sapass import sapass


you can use below parameters for class inputs

  1. length Default length for password defined 8 character, by change this value you get new pass with another size.
  2. passType

passType = {'mix', #alphabet + numbers + symbols ,

'alphabet' #only alphabet ,

'number' #only numbers }

3. includeSymbol Boolean parameter: if define ‘True’ generated password contains special characters such as {!@#$%^&*()}

4. includeUppercaseCharacters Boolean parameter: if define ‘True’ generated password contains uppercase characters such as {ABCDEFGHIJ…}

For convert password: :new: Added In version 2.0

You must use convertor class

from sapass import convertor
  1. Hash password with hash_password and validate it hash_password_validate method:
new_pwd = "testPWd"
if convertor.convertor.hash_password_validate(hashed_password, new_pwd):
print('You entered the right password')
print('I am sorry but the password does not match')

2. To verify the strength of password using password_strong_check:

> {'symbol_error': True, 'digit_error': True, 'lowercase_error': False, 'uppercase_error': True, 'length_error': True, 'password_ok': False}

> {'symbol_error': False, 'digit_error': False, 'lowercase_error': False, 'uppercase_error': False, 'length_error': False, 'password_ok': True}

